Visit of Dr. Ahmed Khurshid

In the context of strengthening relations with the Muslims of Britain
Executive Director of Religions for Peace visits DICID


Dr. Ibrahim Al-Nuaimi: Our relations are distinguished with the various British parties engaged in the issue of interfaith dialogue

Dr. Khorsheed Ahmed: We, as British Muslims, are very hurt to see Qatar being besieged

In the framework of his international relations, the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue received Dr. Dakhrishid Ahmed, Executive Director of the British Religions for Peace initiative. Ibrahim bin Saleh Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue, and a number of officials and researchers at the Center.

Commenting on the visit, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Nuaimi: The Center is pleased with this visit, especially as our relations are distinguished with the various British parties engaged in the issue of interfaith dialogue, especially the British Episcopal Bishops and Muslims in Britain, who represent the bridge of dialogue between Britain and the Islamic world.

“The Religions for Peace initiative is one of the important initiatives sponsored by a number of religious and political figures in Britain,” he said.

Dr. Al-Nuaimi added: “Religions as we know carry within them noble and human values, all of them, all together, not divided, and what we see as violations of human rights under religious cover stems from the misapplication of religion by religious people, not from the religion itself. Weeks ago at the 13th Doha Conference on Interfaith Dialogue. “

For his part, Khurshid Ahmad: “At the outset, I thank you for hosting me at the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue, and I have always been looking forward to his visit to see his activities and work.”

“I am currently working on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the possibility of adding what can be called the global civil society to develop relations between religious believers in general, in order to prevent the challenges that the world has witnessed in the last decade, such as cartoons in Denmark, The French newspaper, Charles Hebdo, in France, through examining the possibility of adding a paragraph in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights to ensure respect for religious relations and symbols of all religions, and for this visit the Center, to meet with officials to study this matter.

“Dialogue with other religions is important, but more important is dialogue within the Muslim world and among the followers of all sects within the Muslim world. We believe that the absence of this dialogue leads to division and division, and perhaps foreign domination of parts of the Islamic world. “He said.

With regard to the unjust embargo imposed on the State of Qatar, Khurshid Ahmed: “We, as British Muslims, are very hurt to see that Qatar has been besieged. These are big issues and very big challenges facing the region.”