Training Course on “the Art of Dialogue” Organized in Collaboration with QCD and QCIMR

02 Jan Training Course on “the Art of Dialogue” Organized in Collaboration with QCD and QCIMR

Concluded on 29-12-2013, a training course on ” the art dialogue: conversation and argument and refutation,” This course was organized by Qatar Debates Center – Member of Qatar Foundation for Education , Science and Community Development – the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue , and the – Qaradawi Center for Islamic Moderation and reform at the Faculty of Islamic Studies , and the Supreme Council of Education, and hosted by Amina bint Wahb Independent Secondary School for Girls. A large number of coordinators and teachers of Islamic science and Arabic language in independent schools attended.

The course comes within the vision of “Qatar Debates ” in spreading the culture of dialogue in general and the development of communication skills of cognitive and intellectual knowledge, and clarify the misconceptions of interfaith dialogue, while respecting Islamic identity and values . Trainees were trained on different topics such as how to present a constructive and convincing topic, avoiding controversy, to contribute for teachers to effective classroom management as well as create dialogue capabilities for students.

At the opening session, the Director of school, hosting the present event, pointed out importance of present course in promoting and strengthening a culture of dialogue and debate atmosphere in school and among students in particular. She concluded by thanking the organizers and the partners in this exceptional event.

For its part, Mrs. Nadia Al-Ashqar, representative of the Doha Center for Interfaith Dialogue at the workshop, explained the importance of integrating the art of dialogue in schools in contributing and building positive understanding between the Muslim community and other communities. She further stressed that Qatar has become a focus of attention in whole world being an oasis of goodwill and humanity while being uniquely diverse. Only Doha city is in fact a place where culture of dialogue embraces various nationalities with different backgrounds, who came together to build this promising state.

She further expressed that, the most civilized way of communication is to understand each other, our values, heritage, and realize that we all have our humanity in common and our values can be the benchmark for understanding and respect. She added,” the ideas of brotherhood was, was firmly expressed by the Messenger of Allah – peace be upon him – who said: “You are all from Adam and Adam is from the dust “, became the duty of the cultural institutions and the pathway of knowledge and education to encourage our children to dialogue and cooperation because it portrays our new world.” She continued by reciting verse of the holy Quran that illustrates the value of dialogue and respect amongst mankind that says:

{O people, we have created you all from male and female, and have made you nations and tribes so that you would recognize each other. The most honorable among you in the sight oh God is the most pious of you. God is All-knowing and All-aware.}(al hujurat/The private apartments)

By the other hand, she pointed out that cooperation with the – Qaradawi Center for Islamic Moderation and reform, through a joint program with Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue, that includes several lectures ,seminars and workshops, as an implementation of Doha interfaith dialogue Center objectives, for promoting a culture of dialogue , a peaceful coexistence and based on better understanding between different faith communities. The first session of this program was held March 2011 , entitled ” training for Muslims qualified in art of dialogue ”

Proceeding to that, in his remark Dr. Muhammad Khalifa Hassan, – Qaradawi Center for Islamic Moderation expresses his gratitude to the oraganizers and shared some comments. He said, Islam is a religion of Call to God(Da’wa), based basically on dialogue and the process of persuasion . Muslims in this century in order to keep pace with the world by the development process of dialogue and turn it into a scientific activity through academic curricula taught within the study of religion in schools and universities. He stressed that, the art and the importance of dialogue is not, unfortunately, being pushed sufficiently in many of the Muslim communities. Nevertheless, he applauded those who are trying to open a platform for dialogue and discussion amongst different communities and even individuals from different background, emphasizing on how such platform can bring us all together to serve humanity.

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