The International Conference: “The Role of Education in Promoting the Global Peace and Tolerance in South-East Europe” 21-22 May, 2012 – Sarajevo

21 May The International Conference: “The Role of Education in Promoting the Global Peace and Tolerance in South-East Europe” 21-22 May, 2012 – Sarajevo

The official opening of a two-day International Conference “The Role of Education in Promoting Global Peace and Tolerance in South East Europe” took place on Monday 21 May 2012 in the Ceremonial Hall of the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo. The Conference organizers are the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICID) and the University of Sarajevo.

The conference was opened with welcoming addresses Prof. Dr. Faruk Caklovica, Rector of the University of Sarajevo, Prof. Dr Ibrahim Saleh Al Naimi, Director of DICID, H.E. Dr Donatus Kock, Austrian Ambassador to B&H, Mr. Damir Masic, Minister of Education and Science of FB&H, Prof. Dr Fahrudin Orucevic, Minister for Education, Science and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton, Prof. Dr Massimo Caneva, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy, Cooperazione Italiana.

Along with words of welcome, Rector Prof. Dr Faruk Caklovica stressed that the orientation University of Sarajevo wanted to pursue was integration into the global scientific research and educational processes and continuous work to improve our international reputation.

“Joint conferences like this one are something that certainly contributes to the strengthening of the European Higher Education Area and enables a more transparent international promotion of humanistic values and worldview. The orientation of the University of Sarajevo, which we want to pursue, is the integration into world academic trends and a continuous striving to enhance our international reputation“, said Rector Caklovica and added: “Education and cooperation are the imperative for the development and strengthening of stable, peaceful and democratic societies, a fact which has huge importance for our country, taking into consideration the situation in the region to which we belong too. “

On that occasion Rector Caklovica conferred to Director Al-Naimi a certificate of merit for support in organizing this significant scientific event.

Prof. Dr Ibrahim Saleh Al-Naimi, Director of DICID reminded attendees that in July 2011 University of Sarajevo and Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICID) signed a Memorandum on Understanding and said that this Conference belonged to the first fruits of signing that Memorandum.
“This conference’s theme ‘Role of education in promoting dialogue and peaceful coexistence’ is very relevant to today’s world. We look at education as a pillar to a new beginning, building of a new Bosnia and Herzegovina on old fundamentals of mutual respect, understanding, and peaceful coexistence…” said Director Al-Naimi and expressed his hope that the results of this conference would be a series of recommendations which every participant could take back to his/hers homeland and try to implement them in life.

The attendees were welcomed by H. E. Dr. Donatus Kock, Austrian Ambassador to BiH, who pointed out that education, especially to Bosnia and Herzegovina was the most important driving force and key to the future of every country, and recalled that the Austrian Government had been involved in helping to higher education in Bosnia for many years.

Mr. Damir Masic, Minister of Education and Science of FB&H, said that it was indisputable fact that education played a very important process in the immediate development and promotion of culture, peace, tolerance, integrating the values, content and methodology, participatory, equitable and transformed learning and action in society, stating: “The development of knowledge-based society and the spread of globalization processes further emphasizes the importance of education for our personal and social development.”

Along with congratulations for organizing this conference Prof. Dr. Fahrudin Orucevic, Minister for Education, Science and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton said that education had extremely important and irreplaceable role in every society, regardless of ethnic, religious or political determinants.

“In the historical nomenclature of education, University represents the highest and most critical factor that affects the highest achievements of the educational process. All those who have attained university education must take a leading role in society and be a leader in efforts to achieve coexistence, peace, coexistence and tolerance among peoples and countries in the world. This thematic I precisely see in that light. I strongly believe that education, global peace, coexistence and tolerance are the most responsible factors, including partners in achieving these goals” said Minister Orucevic.
Prof. Dr Massimo Caneva, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy, Cooperazione Italiana, in his welcome address said: “The University has a special significance, particularly in the first place because the university is the main place to educate and promote new generations, who respect human rights and constitute an essential element for the development of true culture. Moreover the university has a role that gives students the ability to realize the importance of dedication to their professional skills humanities issues”.
The conference was organized to mark the 20th anniversary of the siege of the University of Sarajevo and brought together eminent professors from 14 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Israel, Jordan, Qatar, Lebanon, Macedonia, Palestine, United States, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey).
On the conference’s first day attendants had the opportunity to hear the 14 paper presentations about the following topics:

• “The Role of a University in Promoting Global Peace”, Prof. Dr Ibrahim Saleh Al-Naimi, Director, DICID, Qatar
• “Humanistic Foundation of the Modern University “, Prof. Dr Samir Arnautovic, Vice-Rector of the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• “The New Challenges of University Cooperation for Peace”, Prof. Dr Massimo Caneva, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Italy, Cooperazione Italiana, Republic of Italy,
• “The Higher Education as an Instrument of Politics of Ethnic Diversity”, Prof. Dr Asim Mujkic, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• “Systems Thinking Awareness for raising Peaceful and Co-Creative Consciousness in Educational Systems of Future”, Prof. Dr Tadeja Jere Lazanski, Vice-Rector, University of Primorska, Republic of Slovenia
• “The Multiethnic Coexistence on the Balkans: The Role of Education in Creating Conditions for Building Sustainable Peace”, Prof. Dr Strasko Stojanovski, “Goce Delcev” University of Stip, Republic of Macedonia
• “Education for Peace and International Understanding” Prof. Dr Hilmi Ibar, Trakya University, Edirne, Republic of Turkey
• „Education and research in forest policy and economics: transboundary peace building in South-East European countries“, Prof. Dr Mersudin Avdibegovic, M.Sc. Amila Brajic, Grad. Ing. Dzenan Becirovic, B. Sc. Senka Mutabdzija and Grad. Ing. Bruno Maric.
• “The Humanities and the Critique of Culture”, Prof. Dr Tomislav Zelic, University of Zadar, Republic of Croatia
• “The Importance of Internationalization of Universities as a Method for Strengthening Regional Cooperation and Trust”, Prof. Dr Slobodan S. Pajovic, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Megatrend University, Republic of Serbia
• “Introducing Islam in Kosovo’s Text books: Toward Better Understanding and Greater Tolerance “, Prof. Dr Mohamed Mufak Gega-Arnaut, Al-Bayt University, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
• „The Significance of Curriculum in Teaching Religious “, Prof. Dr Aisha Yusuf Al-Mannai, Qatar University, State of Qatar
• “An Advantage of the Integrated University in Education and Promotion of the Global Peace and Tolerance in Sanjak”, Prof. Dr Cemal Dolicanin, Rector; Prof. Dr Emir Corovic; M. Sc. Senad Ganic; Sabina Zejnelagic, MA, State University in Novi Pazar, Republic of Serbia
• “The Role of Education in Promoting Global Peace and Tolerance in South East Europe” from the Turkish Perspective, Prof. Dr Kamil Dilek, Rector and Prof. Dr Müfit Parlak, Vice-Rector, Uludağ University, Bursa, Republic of Turkey
This conference represents the efforts of the University of Sarajevo to promote and spread tolerance and the greatest humanistic goals. The tragic part of the University of Sarajevo’s history, which spent 1479 days under war siege and which in the most brutal way, experienced the war suffering and the devastation of academic values, should serve as a warnings and moral for the international academic community throughout the world.
The Conference – “The Role of Education in Promoting Global Peace and Tolerance in South- East Europe” – will surely have a strong impact on the capacity building of peace at the regional level, which is one of the fundamental goals of education, wherever it is undergoing implementation.

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