The 10th issue of DICID Bulletin has been covered news and various Topics related to interfaith Dialogue

14 Aug The 10th issue of DICID Bulletin has been covered news and various Topics related to interfaith Dialogue

As part of the Center’s efforts to document and develop its activities, was issued the 10th edition of DICID Bulletin , published in Arabic and English. The 44 pages Bulletin has been focusing on the Interfaith activities, and related issues in the Region. It also sheds light on the Center’s objectives, which are represented in spreading the culture of peace and coexistence, and dialogue between different religions and cultures.
The new edition coincides with the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue. Thanks to its numerous achievements Doha Interfaith Dialogue Center has been getting an international reputation.

From his part, Dr. Ibrahim Saleh Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue, underlined : “We firmly believe that the Qatari wise leadership has played a crucial role, in all that we have achieved, through their continuous and unlimited support to the Center. Moreover the Qatar National Vision 2030 has attached a particular importance to the principle of dialogue in all its forms, as a key to openness to the other, considered as a humanitarian necessity, and a basis for fruitful and sustainable cooperation. It is also the real starting point for setting up a successful and solid interfaith dialogue , cultural diversity, and Dialogue between civilizations with the other , while adhering to our Arab and Islamic identity, was also a real motivation for us”.

Al-Naimi added: “But it is important to emphasize that the emergence of the Center came at a critical time, as the world began to undergo successive changes and developments, both through political crises and the explosion of information through the networks. This made everyone aware, especially those who believe in peace and coexistence, so the Doha interfaith Center, has been played , in collaboration with the related institution throughout the world, to spread a culture of dialogue, bases on human common values, to reach a worldwide humanitarian network in the mankind benefit.

The 10th DICID Bulletin has highlighted the 12th Doha Interfaith Dialogue Conference activities, which addressed the topic : “Spiritual and Intellectual Security in the Light of Religious Teaching”, which was attended by a large number of scholars, clerics and those interested in interfaith dialogue of various nationalities.

The conference focused on four themes: “Religion is a common human unit for spiritual and intellectual security” and the concept of intellectual security achieved by intellectual peace as a primary condition. For every society that plans for life and seeks growth, development, progress and prosperity. The second axis dealt with methods and means of intellectual and moral invasion and its impact on the destabilization of intellectual security. The third axis discussed ways to immunize young people from intellectual and moral violence and cultural misinformation.

The number also highlighted a number of agreements signed by the Center during the previous period, including a cooperation agreement with the Center Horizon for Communication among civilizations , from of Montenegro, which aims to strengthen the relationship between the two parties, exchange of experiences and benefit from the network of relations of each party, Signing a cooperation agreement with Qatar Debates to promote dialogue among students and to strengthen cooperation between the two sides in terms of training in debate and dialogue.

The issue also included interviews conducted with academics and researchers, those discussions dealt with questions, Questions, suggestions and, in general, the various opinions that hover around the questions of dialogue and dialogue between religions and cultures, in order to characterize the reality of the situation, to reach some solutions appropriate to the reality of the living. This to show that Dialogue has been and remains the best way to achieve peace, coexistence and rapprochement between different cultures and civilizations.

The 11th issue of the newsletter is being prepared in early September, and a copy of the tenth issue can be obtained by visiting the Center’s headquarters or by telephone: 44864666.

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