One World; One Position Against Aggression in Gaza

23 Jan One World; One Position Against Aggression in Gaza

By: Dr Saeed Shehabi

Humanity at its best has few manifestations. The Gaza crisis has provided the opportunity for people of human decency to prove they are faithful to human brotherhood, fraternity and solidarity.

The loud cries of men and women, young and old as they marched in the streets of London in recent weeks have one message: stop the aggression against the Palestinians in Gaza. The last of these marches was held on Saturday when up to 100,000 gathered at Hyde Park Corner before marching along Bayswater Road to the Embassy of the Zionist state. They came from everywhere; some travelling by train for more than three hours. They were braving sub-zero temperatures and the high travelling costs. Why should an English couple, living in a remote area of UK take all the trouble to make the journey to the capital only to shout some slogans against aggression and occupation? What motivates these people to insist on attending such events while people who are much nearer to the theatre of operations either tacitly support the Zionist aggression or close their borders to prevent the flow of aid and medical supplies to the beleaguered Palestinians? Why do the “atheists” find it a responsibility to show solidarity with the victims through marches, petitions or fund-raising while some “religious” scholars would issue “edicts” that such marches are “a form of corruption” that Islam forbids? What has happened to humanity that drives some of its members to ignore the plight of those in need to avoid death?

The spectrum of those who found it a human duty to join the marches against the Zionist aggression is as wide as the human horizon. While the majority of those taking part in these marches are of pure British origin, most of whom either Christians or non-believers, the spectrum of marchers contains others of African, Chinese or Indian complexions. Many of them raise banners with slogans calling for an immediate halt to the aggression or for the freedom of Palestine. They want to make their stands clear to their governments that what they see is a crime of a gigantic magnitude that must be stopped at all costs. It seems, however, that those in high offices in Washington, London, Paris or even the Arab capitals have lost a great deal of their human values by ignoring the cries of the victims. They attach little value to the plight of the weak, the dispossessed or the aggrieved. They prefer to be silent so as not to anger Washington or London. When the right of life is denied to the people of Palestine by the occupiers of their land and their supporters, these people feel that they need to speak or they will betray their human duties. The protesters in Western capitals represent almost all classes of the society; politicians, artists, journalists, political and social activists, students, women and children. They all possess one notable values; clarity of vision and unity of purpose. Their conscience has decided for them who the aggressor is and who the victims are. They acted upon their natural instincts and needed no more lecturing by those in high office who would often treat others with contempt, disrespect and humiliation.

The events of the past month have polarised the situation in the world in a very distinctive pattern. The present American president will soon leave the White House, having achieved the worst ever ranking amongst the voters. He had decided not to “repent” or change course. Instead he has repeatedly vetoed the world’s public opinion and paid no attention to any human pain. His heart is devoid of any sign of goodness, and would not be moved an inch form his declared policies of aggression against others. The people of the world have already passed their judgement on him to the extent that when an Iraqi journalist, Montadhar Al Zaidi, threw his shoes on him, the world shocked in jubilation. Suddenly the shoe became the weapon of the victims, and a symbol of rejection of the satanic policies of the present superpower. The events of Gaza have united the world against not only against the Zionist aggression, but their backers have not faired better.

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