Interview the Chairman of DICID with Qatari newspaper Asharq

27 Feb Interview the Chairman of DICID with Qatari newspaper Asharq

Dr. Ibrahim, Chairman of Doha International Center for interfaith Dialogue, recently gave an interview to Qatar Arabic newspaper Asharq.

HE Dr. Ibrahim Al Nuaimi, Chairman of Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue stressed that the Center seeks to implement the Qatar vision , in the field of consolidating the culture of dialogue between cultures and coexistence between peoples. He also revealed that DICID is preparing a particular plan related to a culture of dialogue strategy , in anticipation the world Cup in 2022 plans.

The Chairman added that, in the coming period the DICID will intensify its local activities ,to develop the skills of dialogue in communicating with the other. He said, in its activities with youth, the center seeks to find common ground, that can diversify and enrich the dialogue by harnessing the cultural and religious diversity for better understanding, and to achieve a peaceful coexistence and mutual respect among people.

Al-Naimi praised the directives of His Highness the Father Amir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who was behind the establishment of the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue; an institution that seeks to consolidate a culture of dialogue among the followers of the three monotheistic religions, at local, regional and international levels. Through its efforts, the DICID seeks to correct the stereotypes about Islam and Arab region.

The Doha Center was established after the launch of interfaith dialogue in Qatar in 2003, under the guidance of His Highness the Father Amir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani. The center is in the world of the few centers that have a permanent presence in the field of dialogue between the followers of divine religions, and has became famous across the world by focusing on the fields of promoting mutual understanding between religious traditions, and by exploring their theological common ground.

The Center provides a suitable environment for the training of young Qataris and residents on the issues of dialogue and brings together the citizens and residents, regardless of religion, through the round tables for dialogue in various fields, including education, health, legal matters and cultural life in general. It creates a platform for dialogue, which encompasses a variety of perspectives. It also facilitates dialogue within Qatari society, as well as amongst stakeholders, official bodies, various agencies, including the various churches in Qatar.

Answering to the question related the evolution of the DICID, Dr. Ibrahim explained that the Center, welcomes followers of different religions who find there an oasis of dialogue and coexistence. Since the Interfaith Dialogue Center in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula calls for dialogue and tolerance and refutes all the rumors about the Gulf States sponsoring terrorism, and other false accusations, this center highlights to the world as a whole that these countries pay full attention to dialogue, and give the opportunity for all to live in Qatar peacefully. It provides an opportunity to discuss issues with the followers of other religions in different countries, and urges tolerance and dialogue.

The Chairman revealed that Qatari society is naturally tolerant, and respecting all cultural and religious diversity, which has generated an atmosphere of confidence and mutual respect among the citizens and residents. About islamophobia, Dr. Ibrahim stressed that, when we hold our conferences we call on everyone, including, either those who agree with us, or who disagree, to speak frankly on all issues of humanity concerns. He added that the Doha Center does not have a private agenda; it only represents Qatar’s approach to spread the logic of dialogue culture and coexistence, to face the problem of war and hostilities.

Although debate rages at times, these dialogues serve to add a great dimension tomany interfaith issues, as well as highlight the difficulties of Muslim communities living in Western counties. We are convinced that the religious leaders, followers, as well intellectuals, can contributes to solving problems in communities by focusing on their common grounds.

These discussions, said Dr. Ibrahim, facilitate unique meetings behind closed doors away from the media where the controversial issues between followers of religions are frankly discussed. Through all of our actions we are looking for the common humanitarian factors.

In relation to the crimes which are located in the West against Muslims, Dr. Ibrahim thinks that interfaith centers like ours have to discuss these issues with the concerned authorities and our partners, and communicate with activists in the world to prevent harm to humans and talk with decision makers. We have contact with Western decision makers, who ask our advice, related to interfaith issues in their countries, and we think that such centers contribute certainly to decrease the tension and misunderstanding between communities.

Commenting the situation after the American presidential election, the Chairman said he hoped that inter-communal relations will be improved after the election fever. We are confident that the USA, as a democratic nation, will certainly take care of its diverse communities.

With respect to the future of the far right in America, Dr. Ibrahim said that politicians who embrace the theses of extreme right-wing ideas are an exception in an otherwise very tolerant society. Like Britain, and some other European countries espousing isolationist policies, America will not do itself any favours by turning its back on its rich history of tolerance.

He also said that we, as Muslim countries do not have problems of Islamophobia, we support activities and programs in the US and with the European Parliament. But we strive to improve our shaky image in the west and prepare our societies for a changing world. There is no religious or moral justification, for committing such crimes, such as the Turkish night club attack, for example, which do not represent Muslims, who are peaceful by nature; rather, it is an insult to them and their faith.

Unfortunately in the Arab world there are still many problems, between the leaders and the peoples and the between the borders. These problems are reflected in our actions and the West only focuses on the problems and not on the pros. When we invite guests to our conferences to send a message that we are stable states and we strive for the best. In relation to extremism in Arab countries, and the Arab spring , the Chairman of DICID noted that there is certainly an interested from third parties to shuffle the cards in the Arab world. We have to urge cooperation and understanding to eliminate this trend in our societies.

Dr. Ibrahim presented the DICID main activities that include Conferences, workshops, Roundtable discussion. DICID aims through these activities to present an opportunity for dialogue between all monotheistic faiths and other communities.

Workshops, for example, are focused on the school students and we held workshops for students of stages of middle and high school boys and girls and will continue to be held, and we organized competitions among students to write the best essay on the dialogue in order to encourage the community to think about this dimension of understanding and listen to the other’s opinion, regardless of religion.
The DICID aims to prepare the Qatari community to host the multicultural public who will take part in Qatar for World Cup 2022. The community should be ready to receive such a diverse spectrum of people on this occasion, because this spectrum will bring different backgrounds and different opinions and different beliefs, so we work to educate the community, among other things, the first being that we should hear other ideas.

We have to strive to learn about other countries’ experience in that regard, such as the South African experience when they organized the world Cup in 2010 and found a great need to create a society for dialogue with the followers of different religions. Britain focused on this matter when the Olympic Games were organized in 2012. We must cooperate to achieve this task before hosting the world Cup, to create a community speaks the same language, focusing on young people and decision-makers. It is important that young people create a dialogue, and that we cooperate in it with several points of the country such as Qatar Debate and a lot of coaches, and with the Education City to prepare the younger generations on how to be a communicator, regardless of the theme of dialogue and not only religious dialogue, and how to be a good listener.

Doha hosts today more than 80 nationalities. To what extent we respond to these nationalities in terms of creating a climate of understanding is reflected on relations of this large amount of people and whether or not you have the tools to measure public opinion among these nationalities. We care about the demands of these groups, but we do not measure the attitudes and we can do so in the future.

Dr. Ibrahim noted that the DICID deals with followers of the revealed religions, such ashen Jews who are not adopting the Zionist’s theses, for example the Nature Karta Jewish community group. The DICID has a clear vision towards the Palestinian cause; it rejects the Zionist thesis and is against the occupation and injustice suffered by the Palestinians.

Regarding the Roundtable discussions, he said the Conferences are exclusively focused on the followers of the three monotheistic religions and open another dialogue through round tables with communities in general, regardless of their beliefs and open the field to all religions to write in the scientific journal, there are many conferences are open to all religions, but the Doha conference is characterized as a dialogue platform for three Abraham religions. From the start, 12 conferences and 7 Roundtables have been organized by the DICID.

Regarding the 2017 activity plan, the DICID’s Chairman stated that the Center will implement in the very near future: scientific journals, translated book publication and training courses. In addition the center is busy with preparation for the 8th Roundtable and the 13th Doha Conference. We are also trying to host an event in Europe or other Arab countries.

After ten years experience, Dr. Ibrahim thinks that the DICID has achieved a number of goals, by the implementation of its recommendations. We have tried to urge human rights organizations and United Nations organizations to transfer proposals and the recommendations of the conference to the relevant institutions for the transfer of ideas that facilitate communication between the followers of religions. There are many organizations in Europe that are cooperating, and successes have been achieved.

For Dr. Ibrahim the DICID does not have a proselytizing agenda. Its activities, in partnership with communities, like a Lighthouse, strive to clarify the message of Islam to other religions, and try to defend Islam, building bridges with communities and citizens, to enhance the culture dialogue.

Regarding cases reported recently about refugee’s exploitation and coerced conversion, Dr. Ibrahim calls upon Muslim organizations, Christianity and Judaism not to exploit the difficult conditions experienced by refugee to change his religion. Customs and laws do not allow it, and this is not acceptable from the religious leaders of any religion.

Finally, asked on how he evaluates the performance of the Center, he replied that so far the activities carried out by the Centre are in line with the size and potential, and we look forward to cooperate with local and regional institutions in the promotion of a culture of dialogue and coexistence. And plan, to focus on local activities, so as to host the world cup in Qatar in 2022.

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