Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue Strongly Condemns Statement Against Islam by French President

13 Oct Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue Strongly Condemns Statement Against Islam by French President

The Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue strongly condemns the statement made by French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday, 2nd October in which he stated, “Islam is a religion that is in crisis all over the world.”

The Center expresses its deep regret for any offensive statements made toward Islam or toward any other religion – be it by individuals or public figures. The Center believes that such blanket statements like that made by President Macron are divisive, discriminatory and sows hatred for Islam. They undermine and weaken efforts being made to promote peace and coexistence among adherents of different faiths. It also deepens bigotry and extremism, causing great harm internationally and sets back relations among different peoples and cultures.

What progress does agitating the sentiments of more than a billion Muslims worldwide bring other than a justification for religious intolerance and hatred?!

For nearly two decades, the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue has countered hate speech and challenged extremism and terrorism. It has long and relentlessly called for the adoption of counterterrorism and dialogue at all international platforms. These efforts have enjoyed both the blessings and participation of scholars and religious leaders from all over the world – Muslim, Christian and Jewish. These leaders have all emphasized that the ideological extremism and violence we witness today have nothing to do with the established values of these faiths which call unto human brotherliness, love, peace, and coexistence. It is a matter of major convene that such blanket statements could render constructive efforts in bringing society together fruitless.

The Center therefore calls on those responsible for shaping public opinion to refrain from statements that could ignite religious hatred. We recognize, reaffirm and stand by the sanctity of these faiths and their symbols such as their prophets and apostles. It is the need of the hour for the wise men and women of today to promote unity and positive reform, not spite and disunity! There is no better way to confront our problems except through dialogue and promoting mutual respect. The world has seen enough atrocities stemming from hate speech, religious intolerance and racism!

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