DICID strongly condemns the Islamophobic truck attack and murder of Muslim Family in Canada

10 Jun DICID strongly condemns the Islamophobic truck attack and murder of Muslim Family in Canada

In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and the most Merciful
“Whoever takes a life—unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land—it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.”
(Quran 5:32)

It is with great regret to witness the entrenchment of racism still plaguing humanity and that the world is still far from its eradication, far from providing security, peace and stability so long as this evil exists.

Once again, hate crimes and extremism terrorize humanity to the point where the audacity of these crimes pushes the perpetrator to target an entire family out on a walk, killing four members. Such an act highlights the hatred buried in his heart and corrupted assumptions that his mind carried against those who are different to him in race and religion!

The Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue expresses its strong condemnation and denouncement of the horrific truck run-over of a Muslim family who were out on a picnic Sunday evening, June 6, 2021, in London, Ontario, Canada. The perpetrator killed four members of the innocent family who had Pakistani origin. According to statements made by their neighbours, the family were good-hearted people and had immigrated to Canada. The mother who was killed in the heinous attack was a doctoral student.

The voices of human goodness and true religious teachings both stand by respect for the sanctities in all religions; what we witnessed on Sunday evening was a great tragedy where sinful hands, filled with hatred and rage, killed a family of men, women and children who had no fault except that they belonged to a specific religion.

The Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue firmly condemns such despicable racist acts through which innocent lives are taken. Such ideas, trends and criminal actions – regardless of their perpetrator, religion and affiliation – represent a clear violation of the principles of humanity and the values of all heavenly religions that preach love, kindness and emphasize time and again in their laws that assaulting civilians is one of the greatest violation.

The Center also stresses that in describing this act it must be called a terrorist act, whether it is motivated by Islamophobia or xenophobia (fear of and contempt for foreigners); even if it is by one individual, regardless of his religion or affiliation. Terrorism does not belong to any religion or creed, and these criminals only aim to spread hatred, malice and anger among people. Such criminal acts only serve the enemies of humanity and extremists.

The Center will continue to urge countries that call for love and tolerance to confront racism and hate speech against minorities in the world, and to confront firmly and forcefully the danger that threatens the world with its severe exacerbation among all its countries, especially with the increasing waves of immigration and asylum in recent decades. It also calls on the responsible authorities in all countries; to play its entrusted role in order to protect immigrant minorities or refugees of any gender or color, or adherents to non-major religions in the countries to which they immigrate, and to protect their places of worship, and to take all necessary measures to secure this, with the need for serious and decisive action in tracking down the perpetrators and bringing them to justice to receive their just punishment.

The Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue deeply regrets the murder of the members of this innocent family and the victims of this despicable terrorist act and calls for mercy and forgiveness upon them, and wishes a speedy recovery for the injured. We ask God Almighty, that peace, security and stability prevail throughout the world.

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