DICID participates in Celebration of the International Day for Tolerance Celebration in the Sultanate of Oman Under the slogan “United Human Values and Sustainable Development for All”

21 Nov DICID participates in Celebration of the International Day for Tolerance Celebration in the Sultanate of Oman Under the slogan “United Human Values and Sustainable Development for All”

Prof. Dr. Hamed Abdel Aziz Al-Marwani, Board Member of Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue, and Professor of Sharia at the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, Qatar University participated in the international conference in the Sultanate of Oman entitled “United Human Values and Sustainable Development for All,” sponsored and opened by His Excellency Dr. Saeed bin Muhammad Al-Saqri, Minister of Economy of Oman, on November 16, 2022.

Dr. Al-Marwani gave a presentation on the themes of the conference themes and talked about the topic: “Positive examples and initiatives created to promote tolerance, inclusion, unity, and respect for diversity” In his speech, he elaborated on the initiatives of the State of Qatar and Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue to spread a culture of tolerance and combat intolerance, including the offering of new courses in Qatari universities such as the Alliance of Civilizations and the establishment of the ISESCO Chair in the Alliance of Civilizations at College of Sharia and Islamic Studies in Qatar University in 2016.

In his speech, he also referred to Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue as the leading institution in Qatar engaged in interfaith and intercultural dialogue and capacity building in the field of dialogue and culture of peace, and pointed to the various main activities of DICID at the local and international levels, including the annual conference, roundtable discussions for local communities, and training courses for youth, teachers, women, social activists, and others, both in Qatar and abroad. He also clarified that DICID conducts scientific research in collaboration with researchers from leading universities and research centers around the world, and DICID also promotes publications that contribute to peacebuilding and dialogue, create an environment of acceptance, and shape a balanced and moderate mindset that recognizes pluralism and works for better coexistence. These publications can be found in DICID’s peer-reviewed journal RELIGIONS, its regular newsletter, translations, and selected papers.

In a question put to him, he said about differences and diversity, “Differences are wealth and enrichment for humanity, and whoever tries to fight differences violates the Sunnah of God – the nature of the law – in His creation: “Had your Lord willed, He would have made all the people a single community. But, they will continue in their differences”.

The conference, held at the Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah Hotel, celebrated the International Day of Tolerance within the framework of the “Human Alliance” and “Peace Message” projects, which are implemented by the Omani Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs in cooperation with the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a group of governmental and private institutions in the Sultanate of Oman and the “Network of Religious and Traditional Peacemakers”, as well as a large number of international organizations and institutions.

In addition to the opening ceremony, the conference included discussion sessions focused on four main areas, from theory to application: human harmony, cultural communication, supporting sustainable development efforts, and promoting sustainable development: practical models for common human values, diversity of cultures, the role of women in promoting common human values and sustainable development, and the role of youth in consolidating common human values and spearheading sustainable development. Training young people in active dialogue between religions and cultures through the use of photography and the presentation of Berne’s values of tolerance, understanding and coexistence through a series of scientific theories and practical workshops to improve communication and interaction with society.

It should be noted that in 1996, the United Nations General Assembly (by resolution 95/51) called upon Member States to observe the International Day of Tolerance on November 16 and to carry out various activities to consolidate the principle of tolerance, to promote the idea of religious tolerance, mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence and mutual exchange, and to develop a common vision for the future.

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