DICID attended the International conference entitled (Religion and Peace), held in Batmi – Georgia

08 Dec DICID attended the International conference entitled (Religion and Peace), held in Batmi – Georgia

Within the international interfaith events, the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue, represented by the chairman, Dr. Ibrahim Saleh Al Naimi, have attended to the international Conference, entitled “ Religion and peace”, held in Batmi, Georgia, and organized by the Georgian Muslim Association.

The Conference has focused on the role of religion in promoting peace in the world.

During the presentation of his Paper entitled “status of the peace in the heavenly religions”, Dr. Ibrahim underlined that the heavenly religions agreed on the need of calling to the peace and human dignity, as the sacred which should not be violated. So we must to face united the dangers threatening humanity today wars and conflicts, extremism and terrorism.

Participant have also discussed, the Muslim minorities rights, in particular the right of building the places for worship without hindrances the conference sessions, addressed many of the issues related to world peace, and impediments the today’s world facing such as conflicts , wars and sectarian conflicts. The debates focused to the need to give the Muslim minorities their rights, regarding to allow them the construction of worship houses without hindrances, as well as the ways that facilitate Muslims integration within the European society as individuals active in all social spheres , especially in Batmi where a number of Muslims are still considered non citizens. During his intervention Dr. Ibrahim Al-Naimi has pointed out that, from his view, the best way for Muslim integration, is not to create new political parties but to join the existing ones which be able to support their claims and seek to demand their rights, as well as participation in all other public activities without being isolated from society. He also suggests creating more educational opportunities for Muslim children in Batmi; so that can bring them to their goals in the nearest future.

It is worth mentioning that the conference has been attended by number of thinkers and religious scholars from all over the world, and countries such as Ukraine, Netherlands, Denmark, Turkey.

Among personalities was the Mufti of Ukraine Sheikh Ahmad Tamim, the British prominent Lord Nazir Ahmed.
As for the city Batmi, is a tourist town,located on the Georgia Turkish border, on the Black Sea . In the past, the city was composed of 100% Muslims , but in the Soviet Union period a number of Muslim population has been displaced, therefore, Batmi’s inhabitants became an ethnically diverse city composed of Russians, Christians, orthodox.although Muslim still remained the majority, with a half a million, they nevertheless feel persecuted by the government, the whole city has only one mosque.

On the sidelines of the conference, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Naimi presented DICID shield to the organizers of the conference and as well as certificates of appreciation, for the efforts they have done to ensure the success of this conference, by the team headed by Cardinal Dr. Summary Sonjulashvala (Dr Malkhaz Songulashvli) professor of comparative theology at the University of Chav Chwedzi (Chavchavadze University ) Ptblissa- Georgia, who invited Dr. Al-Naimi to attend the inauguration of Youth photographic exhibition, in the presence of in the presence of the President of the Dar al-Ifta, and other Georgian religious representatives. This exhibition presented a results of experience of young Muslims hosted by Christian families, and Christians hosted by Muslim families, and documented this with pictures. This experience has reflected the vision of these young people about the concept of peace and communal harmony among followers of religions, which was the main title of the conference.

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