Call for papers

25 Feb Call for papers

– RELIGIONS: A Scholarly Journal, Issue 16, June 2022
– ISSN: 2218-7480
– Published by Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICID)
– Theme: Physical Health and Spiritual Well-being, Religions’ Perspective

Human beings are the core concern of all religions. The purpose of a religion is to purify human souls and to protect their bodies. Just as human preference elevates spiritually by faith; likewise, a person exalts by his physical strength. This is so true and clear in the prophetic tradition narrated in the authentic hadith book of the Imam Muslim. As he reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak one, and both are good”. This comprehensive view of the well-being of humankind physically and psychologically paves the way for the sport to be a religious demand. This is because the healthier a person is, the more he/she is to perform worships, religious mandatories and to observe other religious responsibilities as a vicegerent of Allah on earth.

Indeed, sport in its reality is not only related to the physical health of a person, rather, it also affects a person’s psychological status, behaviour, and ethics; due to the undenied fact that sport is one of the major aspects that have an impact on human soul before his physical condition. Whereby sport contributes to rooting and instilling several ethics and etiquette in a person, such as honesty, integrity, modesty, discipline, patience, and teamwork, not to mention that sport generates the principle of respecting the rival, as people observe.

It is worth mentioning that when hate speech and clash of civilizations play negatively, have a bad influence on some persons and dominate some minds; we find that sport helps to put together people of different nations, cultures, backgrounds, and religions, peacefully under the notion of coexistence and mutual respect. Therefore, sport can play a significant role to promote peace, religious co-existence, cultural harmony, acceptance of diversity as it is, and a door towards interfaith dialogue. Moreover, we can also use sport as a significant tool to fight racism and other unaccepted social diseases and make sport a huge soft power enabling it to solve some complex human issues, political conflicts, and economic crises.

As for Islam, it permits sports and encourages people to participate in different types of sports, such as racing, wrestling, swimming, archery, and horse-riding. Moreover, Christianity also teaches what urges a person to take care of his body, as Bible said: “After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church”. Ephesians 5:29.

Considering the aforementioned points, we are pleased to announce that the 16th issue of RELIGIONS: A Scholarly Journal published by Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICID) will be entitled “Religion, Physical Health, and Spiritual Well-being”. Thereupon, we kindly invite academics, scholars, and researchers to write their papers undertaking one of the following fields:

Spirituality, religion, and sports.
Physical health and religion.
Psychological well-being and religion.

Manuscript submission guidelines:
As part of the submission process, authors are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

1. The manuscript submitted to the journal should be original not published before and to be written either in English or Arabic.
2. The manuscript length should be 10 – 15 pages (3000 – 5000 words) including the references, footnotes, figures, etc.
3. English manuscript should be written in the Microsoft Word Program, with font size 14 Times New Roman, whereas the Arabic manuscript should be in font size 16 Traditional Arabic.
4. The ADYAN journal accepts book reviews, and book translations. Book reviews should be in 5 pages and translations in 10 pages.
5. The author should adhere to one style out of the known citation styles for research papers (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc..) consistently
6. The footnotes and references should be at the end of the research paper.
7. Author should attach his/her CV along with the manuscript.
8. The journal will communicate with the authors of the selected manuscripts.
9. The journal grants rewards for the selected papers. The editorial board will estimate the amount, accordingly.
10. Deadline for submission is May 30, 2022.
11. All manuscripts should be sent to:

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