Religion and sports

08 Feb Religion and sports

The human being – undoubtedly – has been the primary focus in religion; his soul and physical body, and just as the goodness of a person is spiritually superior to his faith, it also transcends his physical strength. This comprehensive view of human health, both spiritually and physically, makes (sports) an effective means for building and strengthening the human body; an important requirement that religion calls for and urges, not only as entertainment. Therefore, the status of sports in reality is not only related to human physical health. It is also connected to his psyche, behavior and morals. Sport or physical activity is one of the most important aspects that affects a person’s soul and mental health before it affects his body, and through it, the ethics of honesty, integrity, humility, discipline, patience and teamwork can be rooted in a person, in addition to respecting the other, even if it is a competitor. This is a clear matter that cannot be mistaken by the eye, nor denied by the mind.

In a world where hate speeche and the clash of civilizations were able to dominate most minds, attract attention and influence others, and at a time when we see the escalation of differences and conflicts on all levels, it becames clear to us that one of the deepest forms of change that can be achieved in our world is when peoples of different cultures, races, colors and religions are brought together on one common human principle, by which their differences are appreciated and coexistence and affection are achieved.

Perhaps through sport we can strip the corruption of fanaticism and instead we can achieve harmony, peace, coexistence, dialogue and acceptance of the other. This was sport has the potential of being a huge soft power capable of addressing the most complex humanitarian issues that political or economic forces have not been able to address.

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