course for school students on dialogue skills

Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue

organized a training course for school students on dialogue skills.


Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue organized a training course for students ( both  students and female students),  on dialogue skills. The aim of this course is to enhance the value of dialogue and skills    among  the new generations.  48 students from 20 High School have attended this course.

 During the training course, a number of conferences were presented:

  • An introduction to the concept of dialogue, presented by Dr. Ahmed Abdul Rahim,  Researcher at  Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue.
  • Fatima al-Harami’s presentation focused on  : steps to   prepare an effective individual, and how to deal with those who are different from us;  and she also try to  by answering the that philosophical question : why we created different?
  • For his part, Dr. Badran  Masoud  ben Hassan, assistant professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies , in Hamad bin Khalifa University, gave a lecture  highlighting  the  commonalities  existing   between  different   religions,  which can represent  a basis of dialogue among  followers from different faiths .  
  • Nadia al-Ashqar, from Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue/DICID, coordinator of the event, said that these courses targeting school students, aimed to spread the dialogue culture and religious tolerance, inspired from Islamic   teachings, in the school environment that can contribute   to foster a dialogue culture  among generation.  Given that the Islamic ideology is open to different culture and civilizations dialogue, this  was  an opportunity to provide the students of the schools the skills of dialogue to enable them to acquire the culture of dialogue between religions and peaceful coexistence among adherents of different religions, acceptance and respect for others.

         She added it was an attempt by the center to activate the shared religious values; and contribute to the treatment of human problems facing the world today, by focusing on educating young people skills to coexistence in a multicultural world and beliefs.

          For his part, Dr. said. Ahmed Abdul Rahim researcher Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue: Dialogue is the principle of an Islamic fixed, it also human need, and a prerequisite for achieving peace and coexistence and acceptance of  different as a  Divine  law, among the creation.

         The importance of dialogue in that one of the most important means to call to Allah Almighty, and therefore the dialogue has become an urgent necessity more than ever.

          In addition to that   the dialogue achieves human brotherhood, that confirm the human conscience freedom respect, basis of the human   dignity

         from her side, the trainer Fatima al-Harami, said  that  the individual is an important building block   in the family composition ; she added that the family is  basic unit of society, and society building block of the nation, but nations can only developed  through its  youth power . So the importance of  preparing  an effective individual is  prerequisite condition  to our society development. That can be start by  changing the basic things in the individual  life.

As the difference in the creation is the Divine law, since the creation of Adam and Eve ( Male and Female), it is therefore of the continuation of the life; though differences,  men and women began the reconstruction  of the earth. In  fact without differences, the world cannot be developed.

Fatima al-Harami also stressed on the need for fairness with  others, and taking into account the  benefit and the harm,  and also the need  to understand the  interlocutor language .

 It is worth mentioning that the call for dialogue has become an urgent necessity, imposed by the existing cultural conflicts, required by international problems and crises in a row, which showed many directions, seeking to achieve rapprochement and mutual understanding and respect.

It also been a lot of international covenants, conventions and declarations that uphold human rights, and criminalize wars, violence and dredge the arrogance and racism, which has contributed to the promotion of peace tendency, cooperation and dialogue, creating hope for a future in which looms heralds the demise of the theories of tyranny, and reverse the dominance patterns, and the increasing recognition religious pluralism, cultural and civilizational diversity.

It has therefore become necessary to bring up new generations on a culture of dialogue, and enable it to tools, to be able to coexist positively with the other hand, at the same time be consciously aware of the values of Arab and Islamic identity