Visit of young leaders’ delegation from Europe and America

Visit of  young leaders’ delegation from Europe and America

 to the Doha Center for Interfaith Dialogue



The Center visited a delegation of young leaders in Europe and America, Sunday, October 29, 2017, and met with the  Chairman  of the Doha Center for Interfaith Dialogue, Dr. Ibrahim Saleh Al-Naimi.


In the beginning, Dr. Ibrahim gave a brief presentation of the  DICID’s activities, in which he mentioned the most important activities of the Center, namely the annual conference on interreligious dialogue, which brings together  all those interested in the issue of interfaith dialogue, as well as  the Roundtables   targeting  the local communities, and training courses, seminars and activities related to national  events.

It is worth mentioning that the visiting delegation to the Center represents young leaders in Europe and America. The visit comes within the Alliance of Civilizations Fellowship program, which  is aiming to  the deepening  of mutual understanding between Europe, America, Arab and Islamic countries by preparing a group of young leaders in these countries, Who are able to deal positively with the differences between cultures and religions in order to establish a culture of peaceful coexistence and cooperation among peoples.

In his speech, Dr. Al-Naimi highlighted the role of the Doha International Center for Interfaith  Dialogue, which is the only  operating  in the interfaith dialogue in Qatar,  and focusing on     the capacity building strategy  targeting  local communities, schools, to create an enable environment  where all different components of society, could live in  peace harmony  and  mutual  understanding . The DICID   cooperates, in  its activities with  various social actors , in particular  religious leaders, including churches  operating in the umbrella of the Steering Committee of Churches in Qatar.

 For his part, the members of the youth delegation praised the Center’s efforts in consolidating the values of coexistence and dialogue between religions and cultures, and then asked questions about Al-Marker’s activities, specifically in the role of youth, as well as those of communities living in Qatar.

In this regard, Dr. Ibrahim noted that the center pays great attention to the youth, trough their involvement in its various activities, both in its annual conferences and in round tables.

He also announced two major events of the DICID’s upcoming activities, namely the Round Table, which will address “the situation of communities under siege: Solidarity and Challenges”, 29 October 2017, and the 13th Conference, 20-21 February 2018,  entitled “religions and human rights”.The delegation also visited the library of the Center, which is the first interfaith specialized library.