Visit of Qatar Us military Chaplain

Visit  of Qatar Us military Chaplain

8 November 2016



The Qatar Us military  chaplain Collin S.Grossruck , Comman Chaplain , on Tuesday 8 November 2016, and met Dr. Ibrahim Annaimi, Chairman of DICID.

Dr Ibrahim welcomed the guest and presented the DICID’s activities, which include: the Doha  annual International interfaith  Conference,  the Roundtables discussions ,  the various publications, including, the scholarly  interfaith magazine “ Adyan”, as well as other activities.

Dr. Ibrahim has mentioned the cooperation of DICID  with  churches in Qatar in particular , through Roundtable discussions   that are  targeting  the local communities, In this point, Dr. Ibrahim suggest the chaplain  to  attend these  meetings or other DICID activities, as well as the implementation of some joint programs. 

From his side the chaplain  said very happy of  this visit to DICID, and hope to set up a sustained cooperation between the DICID and the Us base chaplain.

He explain that they open Arabic class, for those who want to learn language to communicate and know more about Islamic and Arab traditions. In this regard, the chaplain suggested studying the possibility of cooperation between the two sides, in common interest fields. He also asked about the possibility of obtaining books in English about Islam. He informed about the holding in United States of a conference on “ Countering the  religious terrorism”, wondering if Qatar  will represented in that event.

From his side, Dr. Ibrahim promised to start as soon as possible, a fruitful cooperation between DICID and Us base Chaplain, to strengthen the interfaith cooperation, and concluded that the DICID is ready  share with them their experience and knowledge to improve understanding of each other for  building a  constructive partnership.