DICID condemns the recent Israeli occupation violations against the Al-aqsa Mosque

24 Jul DICID condemns the recent Israeli occupation violations against the Al-aqsa Mosque

Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue strongly condemns, measures taken by the Israeli occupation Israel that imposed electronic gates in the Al-aqsa mosque compound doors, preventing the free access of the worshippers.

God says:

“And who doth greater wrong than he who forbiddeth the approach to the sanctuaries of Allah lest His name should be mentioned therein, and striveth for their ruin. As for such, it was never meant that they should enter them except in fear. Theirs in the world is ignominy and theirs in the Hereafter is an awful doom.” (Surat AlBaqara- 114).

The Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue strongly condemns the violation of the holy complex and rejects the measures taken by the Israeli occupation army, to restrict the freedom of worship in the Al-Aqsa, and attempt to impose a new reality in Al-Aqsa Mosque..

The Center affirms its full solidarity with the Palestinians and their just cause, in particular the people of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the first of the two Qibla and the Third Holy Mosques, and calls upon all international and regional organizations, in particular the United Nations, the League of Arab States and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, as well as the Islamic world to act quickly to stop these violations against the Holy Temple and the Palestinian people, and to prevent the Israeli attempt to Judaize the Islamic holy site.

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