Workshop on: Dialogue techniques and the oratory for girl students in Community College of Qatar/CCQ

08 Nov Workshop on: Dialogue techniques and the oratory for girl students in Community College of Qatar/CCQ

In the context of awareness and educational activities of the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue/ DICID has organized a workshop on the art of dialogue and oratory , addressed to the girl students of the Community College of Qatar, presented by Mr. Mohamed Jufairi, author and trainer in leadership.

This workshop comes within the DICID efforts to build and consolidate a culture of dialogue to the younger generation, from the early age, by training them in dialogue and its diverse technique, enabling them the ability to understand and cope with the cultures and how to communicate and be tolerant with the followers of different faiths and cultures.
The workshop were composed of several topics, including body language and its impact on the diction, organizing ideas in a logical and orderly way, for a successful dialogue, as well as the importance of self- confidence. All these skills would enable trainees to understand the public and how to communicate with it in a positive manner. The workshop also included practical aspect which enables trainees to show their capacity in the oratory.

In regards to the importance of the workshop, Ms. Wala Ahmad Youssef, in charge of for events to the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue, stressed that, this event, comes within the DICID plan to establish the principle as well a culture of dialogue, adding that many of us have lots of ideas but cannot express it properly, or exchange their viewpoint to counterpart or opponent. She points that DICID is ready to reorganize the similar events in the future, for schools or the university.

For his part, Mohamed Jufairi, the trainers said he was very happy, today to present this workshop for a group of girl students from the Community College of Qatar, he added that he is convinced that the DICID has achieved the aim behind this workshop, by attracting this number of girl students from CCQ.

Then he indicates the importance of dialogue in our daily life, referring to many example of dialogue in the Holy Quran (dialogue of God Almighty with angels and the prophets with their followers), the negotiations in all its forms based on dialogue. Therefore, it is important that young people today mastered the art of dialogue, to be able to express their culture and their views, in a logical way and learn how the communication with the other. That is what we have tried to achieve, within this workshop, despite the time constraints, concluded Mr. Jufairi.

It is worth mentioning that the workshop presenter Mohammed Hassan Jufairi, is a trainer in leadership development, and author of about 25 books, as well as writer in a local weekly newspaper He is also the founder of the Online Endowment Project, the largest Arab free training net work.

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